
How to Apply: Vampire Fangs

By: Anna

I found this video on YouTube. We rather had difficulties with the fangs because they wouldn’t stay on one place but this video helped because it is the same product that we ordered from Amazon.

After Effects Tutorial:Eye Color Change

 By: Anna

Found in YouTube. It is necessary for to learn how to work with After Effects now to learn how to change the eye colour because the red eye contacts didn’t work for the actor so here is a little research how to work with them which is pretty difficult.

Character Profile Media

by bintu
by bintu
 By: Ana
by bintu
by bintu by bintu
The trailer starts with a establishing shot and changes to a long and medium close up shot. The establishing shot is useful in setting the atmosphere.From the trailer of 'the lost boys'I would say that the genre of the movie is gangs however the sub genre is friendship and brotherhood. The non-diogetic music gives the trailer a happy upbeat atmosphere however this is disrupted by the type of lyrics used. The lyrics are from the ten commandments.
The words of the soundtrack is already suggesting that something bad is going to happen because one of the lines used is 'thou shalt not kill'.this suggest that someone is going to be killed.At the start of the trailer the soundtrack is suggesting a action movie however this changes when the lyrics comes on.The type of lighting used compared to 'let the right one in' is different.the type of lighting used creating a joyful atmosphere that the audience will find surpriseing  because the setting of the film  doesn't fits the type of action about to take place.
The representation of vampires in the trailer is that vampires are violent because the opening scene shows a group of boys fighting each other. The trailer shows a power struggle between the police and the crimes.

by bintu

by bintu by bintu
by bintu
 The information presented above about  the opening credits  of film is  from wikipedia

Vampire Eye Colour

As our movie has a vampire, we need to decided what colour eye contacts should we buy. So i researched about vampire eye colours in different movies and some are normal eye colour, some blue and some entirely black. Overall red seems the best idea so far.

Usually vampire’s eyes are classic red, such as the movie Twilight. The vampires in this movie are a bit odd as the can live on without blood and after a while their eyes turn gold. They have gold/liquid topaz eyes because they are on a "vegetarian" diet. The vampires that prey on humans have crimson red eyes. All vampires eyes turn coal black when they are hungry.
Bella had red eyes only because she was a new born vampire. They will eventually turn gold because she will only drink the blood of animals.

( The left photo should show red colour, but it doesn't show on blogger)

They also can be bright blue or silver like Underworld’s vampires
Selene is the female lead actress and her eyes weirdly change colours. Apparently her eyes change colour according to her mood. As she gets angry her eyes turn blue. When she has a mellow attitude or isn't annoyed they're brown.

by bintu
By Zhane
By Zhane
By Zhane
by bintu
by bintu
By Zhane
by bintu
by bintu



A film needs to be clearly identifiable in its marketing — genre, stars, story, special effects, style all need to be presented to the audience so they can see

Etc. the film on the basis of content



A film has to have the right release date — Christmas for a Christmas movie etc. Its release date will also depend on what else is being released at the same time - films have to fight it out for cinema screens. It would be pointless releasing any big action adventure movie the same weekend as another one simply because cinema goers would choose between it and the competition, thus halving the box office takings. It makes more sense to put a romantic comedy in that release slot, to mop up the movie-goers who are not interested in big screen action



Promotion for films takes many forms:

•Print advertising (posters + ads in newspapers & magazines)

•Trailers (screened at cinemas + on TV/radio)

•Internet sites (including Facebook 'fan' pages)

•Viral Videos

•Merchandising — the list is endless books, t-shirts, food, soundtrack CDs, computer games, toys, cars, mobile phones, anything that can be associated with the brand of the movie



The publicity department of a studio can use the talent (actors, director, and screenwriter) attached to a movie (they have contractual obligations to do what the studio asks) and will try to gain maximum benefit from the following:

•Star Interviews — in print, online and broadcast media

•'Making Of' documentaries, set reports and viral videos add to the hype

•Gala Premieres — who's wearing what frock

• Reviews and profiles —Empire front cover anyone?

•News stories - who did what on set and what records has this movie broken?

When I was researching make-up for vampires, I found this video on Youtube useful as it easily demonstrated how to apply makeup to a male in order to make them look shady and scary. By Zhane In our opening sequence, Manisha is seen walking down the road drunk as she had been at a party last night. I found this video on Youtube which was very useful as it helped us apply makeup to Manisha to transform the way she looked. We exaggerated the amount of make-up put on her so it would attract the audience and make them aware, as well as the audience getting the impression that she had just been at a party. By Zhane

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