Preliminary Task

By: Zhane and Anna

This video is my first ever edit and second time that I've been the camera person. The video has a bad quality and it's also so basic, but as my first practical work in media, I found lots of experiences which of course helped me to do my future filming and edits so much better.
We, as a group, researched about different types of lightning so we could use them in our opening scene. Finally we chose three types that we thought it might be useful: lower angel light, light close to the face and harsh light which their effects are explained on this video.

By: Anna and Zhane

This video was filmed when i was in a different group. I was the camera person for first time here and personally learned so much about camera angles and their meanings. Overall I took no parts in editing and helped as much as i could with explanations. For me this was more about filming.

Part 1:

Match on action editing:

•The match on action editing is a technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot.

•This creates the impression of a sense of continuity; it draws the viewers’ attention away from slight cutting or continuity issues.

180 degree rule:

•The 180 degree rule is a filming guideline that people in a scene should have the same relationship to each other, within filming only taking place 180 degree angle (straight line). It can be maintained in a conversation.

•This allows the audience to have a greater sense of location in the scene; it could be off screen in some shots.

Part 2:
The format of screenplays:
•A screenplay is visual and your characters' actions move the story forward from scene to scene. Actions show the audience what it needs to know. Your characters' dialogue supports the actions. Seeing a character do something is far more powerful than having him or her talk about it.
•Scene Headings: Each time your characters move to a different setting, a new scene heading is required

 By: Bintu

After researching about Foley sounds we were set the task of creating our own sound effect. We used a number of items to create the finally sound for example we use a mango to create the sound of the vampire sucking the blood of the victim. Overall this task prepared me for my opening sequence which is going to need that sound effect.

  By: Bintu

One of the task we were set was to experiment with different ways of using the 180 degree rule and the match on action. Match on action is when two shots are edited together to portray the action of the object in the first shot. This creates a sense of the action continuity rather than matching two separate clips. An example of the technique is seen in our clip when the main character is seen walking through the door and suddenly the audience is able to see the other character inside the room using the computer. While editing we found it hard to edit these two clip together. Towards the end of the clip we tried to add in the 180 degree rule by showing a convention between the two characters.overall i felt like the task was successful because i was able to understand the ruler better however this is not seen in the quality and editing of the video.

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